Short Show
Claudia is displaying "The Mediators"

Rainy Days
Claudia displayed "City Lights on a Rainy Night"

Claudia has "Troubled Waters" displayed at this show.
Art on the Avenue Ladysmith
Come down to Ladysmith Sunday August 23rd from 10am-4pm and visit Claudia at her booth. Art on the Avenue

West Coast Dream Scapes
June 5-29, 2015 Ladysmith Waterfront Gallery Claudia's featured artwork: West Coast Forest

May 1- June 1, 2015 at Ladysmith Waterfront Gallery open Noon-4pm Daily. Claudia's featured paintings are: Il Portale I'Occhio Illuminati
Student Show
Ladysmith Waterfront Gallery Ran April 2015 Claudia's featured painting was Instructions.
Ladysmith Waterfront Gallery Feburary 2015 Claudia's artwork was Hidden Hearts
Fire & Ice
Ladysmith Waterfront Gallery January Show Claudia's Featured artwork was Firebugs 1&2